Houseaddress: |
Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie Engler-Bunte-Ring 14 |
Phone: | +49 721 608-42223 | |
Fax: | +49 721 608-994007 | |
E-Mail: | institut∂ |
Phone numbers as well as specific E-Mail addresses are found on the "staff" pages.
The south campus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is located very central and adjoins eastern to the chateau of Karlsruhe. Our institute buildings with the numbers 40.21 to 40.27 are found in the northern area of the campus.
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Travelling by train
Arriving at the main station you can take either the tram line no. 2 (destination "Durlach"), tram line no. 4 (destination "Waldstadt, Europäische Schule") or tram line no. S4 (destination "Bretten, Eppingen, Heilbronn"), in either case leave the tram at the stop "Durlacher Tor" (not at the stop "Kronenplatz / KIT Campus Süd", see the "H"-symbol on the sketch). From there it is approximately 600 m walking distance to our institute (IBF, see sketch).
Travelling by car
Leave the highway A5 at the exit "Karlsruhe-Durlach" and continue west towards "Karlsruhe" (not "KA-Durlach"). Keep going straight on for about 2.2 km until you reach the "Durlacher Tor" place. There turn to one's right into "Adenauerring". Hold left and follow the direction sign "KIT Campus Süd" (Haupteinfahrt = main gateway, see sketch). Turn to one's right behind the barrier. You'll reach our institute after approximately 400 m (IBF, see sketch).
Note that the "Nordeinfahrt" (= north gateway) shown in the sketch has no gate keeper and can only be passed through with a special code card. But you can use the parking site "Waldparkplatz" from where it's approximately 350 m walking distance to our institute.
Further maps
The interaktive campus map will show you a more detailed view of the location of our institute and other buildings of the KIT. The town of Karlsruhe provides you with a interactive Web city map.