Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Theodoros Triantafyllidis
- Ordinarius für Bodenmechanik und Grundbau und Institutsleiter von 2007 bis 2019
- theodoros triantafyllidis ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
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Publikationen (2007-2019)
Experimentelle, analytische und numerische Untersuchungen zur Verdichtungsprognose von Sand bei der Rütteldruckverdichtung
Kimmig, I.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Knittel, L.
2019. Bautechnik, 96 (10), 760–772. doi:10.1002/bate.201900038 -
Simplified simulation of the installation of vibro-piles in water saturated soil
Grandas-Tavera, C. E.; Vogelsang, J.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2019. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 121, 491–498. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.11.011 -
Experimental and numerical investigations on the swelling behavior of claystone and sulfate rock. Dissertation
Vergara Quezada, M.
2019. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) -
Inspection of three sophisticated constitutive models based on monotonic and cyclic tests on fine sand: Hypoplasticity vs. Sanisand vs. ISA
Wichtmann, T.; Fuentes, W.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2019. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 124, 172–183. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2019.05.001 -
Correlations of the liquefaction resistance of sands in spreader dumps of lignite opencast mines with CPT tip resistance and shear wave velocity
Wichtmann, T.; Kimmig, I.; Steller, K.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Back, M.; Dahmen, D.
2019. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 124, 184–196. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2019.05.002 -
An experimental parametric study on the liquefaction resistance of sands in spreader dumps of lignite opencast mines
Wichtmann, T.; Steller, K.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Back, M.; Dahmen, D.
2019. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 122, 290–309. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.11.010 -
Numerical analysis of the tunnel-soil interaction caused by an explosion in the tunnel
Osinov, V. A.; Chrisopoulos, S.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2019. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 122, 318–326. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.09.010 -
Predicting undrained static response of sand with non-plastic fines in terms of equivalent granular state parameter
Porcino, D. D.; Diano, V.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Wichtmann, T.
2019. Acta geotechnica. doi:10.1007/s11440-019-00770-5 -
On the influence of multiple polarization changes on the cumulative deformations in sand under drained high-cyclic loading
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2019. Geotechnical testing journal, 43 (1). doi:10.1520/GTJ20170298 -
A simplified model for vibro compaction of granular soils
Triantafyllidis, T.; Kimmig, I.
2019. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 122, 261–273. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.12.008 -
On the influence of grain shape on the cumulative deformations in sand under drained high-cyclic loading
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Späth, L.
2019. Soils and foundations, 59 (1), 208–227. doi:10.1016/j.sandf.2018.11.001 -
On the influence of platy shell particles on the cumulative deformations in sand under drained high-cyclic loading
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Ziesmann, L.
2019. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 117, 1–15. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.11.005
Long-term settlements of a ship lock: Measurements vs. FE-prediction using a high cycle accumulation model
Machaček, J.; Wichtmann, T.; Zachert, H.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2018. Computers and geotechnics, 97, 222–232. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2018.01.009 -
Contributions to the numerical modelling of vibratory pile driving in saturated soil. Dissertation
Chrisopoulos, S.
2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) -
Monotonic and cyclic tests on kaolin: a database for the development, calibration and verification of constitutive models for cohesive soils with focus to cyclic loading
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2018. Acta geotechnica, 13 (5), 1103–1128. doi:10.1007/s11440-017-0588-3
Untersuchungen zu den Mechanismen der Pfahlrammung. Dissertation
Vogelsang, J.
2017. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) -
Strain accumulation due to packages of cycles with varying amplitude and/or average stress – On the bundling of cycles and the loss of the cyclic preloading memory
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2017. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 101, 250–263. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2017.07.012 -
Numerical modelling of micro-seismic and infrasound noise radiated by a wind turbine
Gortsas, T. V.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Chrisopoulos, S.; Polyzos, D.
2017. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 99, 108–123. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2017.05.001 -
An ISA-plasticity-based model for viscous and non-viscous clays
Fuentes, W.; Tafili, M.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2017. Acta geotechnica, 13 (2), 367–386. doi:10.1007/s11440-017-0548-y -
On correlations between “dynamic” (small-strain) and “static” (large-strain) stiffness moduli – An experimental investigation on 19 sands and gravels
Wichtmann, T.; Kimmig, I.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2017. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 98, 72–83. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2017.03.032 -
Evaluating the Performance of an ISA-Hypoplasticity Constitutive Model on Problems with Repetitive Loading
Fuentes, W.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Lascarro, C.
2017. Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes : Theoretical Results and Applications. Ed.: T. Triantafyllidis, 341–362, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52590-7_16 -
Stress Paths on Displacement Piles During Monotonic and Cyclic Penetration
Vogelsang, J.; Huber, G.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2017. Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes : Theoretical Results and Applications. Ed.: T. Triantafyllidis, 29–52, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52590-7_2 -
FE Simulation of Model Tests on Vibratory Pile Driving in Saturated Sand
Chrisopoulos, S.; Vogelsang, J.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2017. Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes : Theoretical Results and Applications. Ed.: T. Triantafyllidis, 124–149, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52590-7_5 -
Constitutive Model for Viscous Clays Under the ISA Framework
Tafili, M.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2017. Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes : Theoretical Results and Applications. Ed.: T. Triantafyllidis, 324–340, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52590-7_15 -
Experimental Investigation of Vibratory Pile Driving in Saturated Sand
Vogelsang, J.; Huber, G.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2017. Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes : Theoretical Results and Applications. Ed.: T. Triantafyllidis, 101–123, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52590-7_4
Shearing of Materials with Intermittent Joints
Gerolymatou, E.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 49 (7), 2689–2700. doi:10.1007/s00603-016-0956-6 -
Influence of Water Content on the Mechanical Properties of an Argillaceous Swelling Rock
Vergara, M. R.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 49 (7), 2555–2568. doi:10.1007/s00603-016-0938-8 -
On the simulation of multidimensional cyclic loading with intergranular strain
Poblete, M.; Fuentes, W.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Acta geotechnica, 11 (6), 1263–1285. doi:10.1007/s11440-016-0492-2 -
Requirements, concepts, and selected results for model tests on pile penetration
Vogelsang, J.; Huber, G.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics, 80, 1–30. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23159-4_1 -
Interpretation of vibratory pile penetration based on digital image correlation
Vogelsang, J.; Huber, G.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Bender, T.
2016. Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics, 80, 31–51. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23159-4_2 -
Dynamic problem for the deformation of saturated soil in the vicinity of a vibrating pile toe
Chrisopoulos, S.; Osinov, V. A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics, 80, 53–67. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23159-4_3 -
Constitutive model for clays under the ISA framework
Fuentes, W.; Hadzibeti, M.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics, 80, 115–129. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23159-4_6 -
Seismic pressures on rigid cantilever walls retaining elastic continuously non-homogeneous soil: An exact solution
Vrettos, C.; Beskos, D. E.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 82, 142–153. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.006 -
Prediction of Long-Term Deformations of Offshore Wind Power Plant Foundations Using Engineer-Oriented Models Based on HCA
Triantafyllidis, T.; Wichtmann, T.; Chrisopoulos, S.; Zachert, H.
2016. 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 26 - July 1, 2016, ISOPE -
Soil Structure Interaction of Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines
Zachert, H.; Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference : Rhodes, Greece, June 26 - July 1, 2016, CD-ROM, ISOPE -
New findings from long-term cyclic laboratory tests and their consequences for offshore wind power plant foundations
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 26 - July 1, 2016, CD-ROM, ISOPE -
An experimental database for the development, calibration and verification of constitutive models for sand with focus to cyclic loading: part I-tests with monotonic loading and stress cycles
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Acta geotechnica, 11 (4), 739–761. doi:10.1007/s11440-015-0402-z -
An experimental database for the development, calibration and verification of constitutive models for sand with focus to cyclic loading : part II-tests with strain cycles and combined loading
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. Acta geotechnica, 11 (4), 763–774. doi:10.1007/s11440-015-0412-x -
Ein Modell zur Berechnung des Verformungsverhaltens von horizontal hochzyklisch beanspruchten Pfählen = A model for the behavior of horizontally high-cycle loaded piles
Triantafyllidis, T.; Chrisopoulos, S.
2016. Bautechnik, 93 (9), 605–627. doi:10.1002/bate.201600036 -
Dynamic effects from earthquakes acting on residual lakes / Dynamische Effekte an Restseen infolge Erdbebeneinwirkungen
Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. World of mining, surface & underground, 67 (6), 389–397 -
An analytical investigation of the effect of non-uniformity on the elastic moduli of granular media
Gerolymatou, E.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2016. International journal of solids and structures, 97-98, 613–624. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.05.017
ISA model: A constitutive model for soils with yield surface in the intergranular strain space
Fuentes, W.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2015. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 39 (11), 1235–1254. doi:10.1002/nag.2370 -
Numerical investigation of the effect of preexisting discontinuities on hydraulic stimulation
Gerolymatou, E.; Galindo-Torres, S.-A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2015. Computers and geotechnics, 69, 320–328. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.05.013 -
Torsional vibrations of a column of fine-grained material: A gradient elastic approach
Polyzos, D.; Huber, G.; Mylonakis, G.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Papargyri-Beskou, S.; Beskos, D. E.
2015. Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 76, 338–358. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2014.11.012 -
Large Scale Tests on Jointed and Bedded Rocks Under Multi-Stage Triaxial Compression and Direct Shear
Vergara, M. R.; Kudella, P.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2015. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 48 (1), 75–92. doi:10.1007/s00603-013-0541-1 -
Seismic pressures on rigid cantilever walls retaining linear poroelastic soil: An exact solution
Papagiannopoulos, G. A.; Beskos, D. E.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2015. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 77, 208–219. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.05.015 -
Inspection of a high-cycle accumulation model for large numbers of cycles (N=2 million)
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2015. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 75, 199–210. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.04.008 -
Swelling behavior of volcanic rocks under cyclic wetting and drying
Vergara, M. R.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2015. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences, 80, 231–240. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2015.08.021 -
Stress attractors predicted by a high-cycle accumulation model confirmed by undrained cyclic triaxial tests
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2015. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 69, 125–137. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2014.10.013 -
On the influence of a non-cohesive fines content on small strain stiffness, modulus degradation and damping of quartz sand
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Navarrete Hernández, M. A.
2015. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 69, 103–114. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2014.10.017 -
Improved simplified calibration procedure for a high-cycle accumulation model
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2015. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 70, 118–132. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2014.12.011
Standsicherheit von nicht-ebenen Eckschlitzen: Vom Stand des Wissens in den Stand der Tecnik
Triantafyllidis, T.; Kudella, P.; Crandas, C.
2014. Baugrundtagung der DGGT (2014), Berlin, Deutschland, 23.–26. September 2014 -
Zur Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Gründungen für Offshore-Windanlagen. Dissertation
Zachert, H.
2014. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) -
Estimation of the strength of stratified rock mass
Triantafyllidis, T.; Gerolymatou, E.
2014. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 47 (2), 535–547. doi:10.1007/s00603-013-0431-6 -
Validation of a high cycle accumulation model via FE-simulations of a full-scale test on a gravity base foundation for offshore wind turbines
Zachert, H.; Wichtmann, T.; Kudella, P.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Hartwig, U.
2014. International Wind Engineering Conference, IWEC 2014, Hannover, 3.-4. September 2014 -
Flow rule in a high-cycle accumulation model backed by cyclic test data of 22 sands
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2014. Acta Geotechnica, 9 (4), 695–709. doi:10.1007/s11440-014-0302-7 -
Stiffness and damping of clean quartz sand with various grain-size distribution curves
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2014. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 140 (3), 06013003. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000977 -
Contributions in Mechanical Modelling of Fill Materials. Dissertation
Fuentes Lacouture, W. M.
2014. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Zustände der Grenztragfähigkeit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Böden unter zyklischer Belastung
Triantafyllidis, T.; Wichtmann, T.; Fuentes, W.
2013. Aktuelle Forschung in der Bodenmechanik 2013 : Tagungsband zur 1. Deutschen Bodenmechanik Tagung, Bochum. Hrsg.: T. Schanz, 147–176, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37542-2_10 -
Small-strain constrained elastic modulus of clean quartz sand with various grain size distribution
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2013. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 55, 130–139. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2013.08.006 -
On the "elastic stiffness" in a high-cycle accumulation model - Continued investigations
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2013. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 50 (12), 1260–1272. doi:10.1139/cgj-2013-0037 -
Effect of uniformity coefficient on G/Gmax and damping ratio of uniform to well graded quartz sands
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2013. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 139 (1), 59–72. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000735 -
A study on failure modes of corner slurry trenches using anisotropic visco-hypoplasticity. Dissertation
Tavera, C. E. G.
2013. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) -
Sicherung quasihomogener Altdeiche mittels Dränelementen. Dissertation
Riegger, T.
2013. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Prognose bleibender Verformungen infolge zyklischer Belastung mit veränderlicher Amplitude: Eine Diskussion unterschiedlicher Ansätze
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2012. Vorträge zum Workshop "Gründungen von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen". 22. und 23. März 2011, Berlin. Hrsg.: F. Rackwitz, 123–146, Shaker Verlag -
Zum mechanischen Verhalten von zyklisch belasteten Offshore-Gründungenvon Sand durch Wechselbeanspruchung. Dissertation
Solf, O.
2012. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Cyclic Accumulation Effects at Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines
Wienbroer, H.; Zachert, H.; Huber, G.; Kudella, P.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2011. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II. Ed.: S. Gourvenec, 641–646, CRC Press -
Residual deformations due to long-time cyclic loading with two dimensional strain loops
Poblete, M.; Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2011. Fifth International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Januar 2011 -
Estimation of the small-strain stiffness of granular soils taking into account the grain size distribution curve
Wichtmann, T.; Navarette Hernandez, M.; Martinez, R.; Duran Graeff, F.; Giolo, E.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2011. Fifth International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Januar 2011 -
Prediction of drained and undrained cyclic behaviour of a fine sand using a high-cycle accumulation model
Wichtmann, T.; Rojas, B.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2011. Fifth International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Januar 2011 -
Prognose der Langzeitverformungen für Gründungen von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen mit einem Akkumulationsmodell. Prediction of long-term deformations for offshore wind power plant foundations using an accumulation model
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2011. Bautechnik, 88 (11), 765–781. doi:10.1002/bate.201101519 -
Abschätzung der dynamischen Kenngrößen nichtbindiger Böden anhand der Korngrößenverteilungskurve. Estimating dynamic properties of granular soils under consideration of the grain size distribution curve
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2011. Bautechnik, 88 (9), 627–639. doi:10.1002/bate.201101498 -
Paraelastic description of small-strain soil behaviour. Dissertation
Sarmiento, L. F. P.
2011. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Investigation of the self-healing effect of monopile foundatiojns through model tests and numerical analysis
Sol, O.; Kudella, P.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. Physical modelling in geotechnics: proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2010 (ICPMG 2010) Vol. 1. Ed.: S.M.Springmann, 1003–1008, CRC Press -
Application of a high-cycle accumulation model for the prediction of permanent deformations of the foundations of offshore wind power plants
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, Perth, Australia, 8-10 November 2010. Ed.: S. Gourvenec, 635–640, CRC Press -
Simplified calibration procedure for a high-cycle accumulation model based on cyclic triaxial tests on 22 sands
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, Perth, Australia, 8-10 November 2010. Ed.: S. Gourvenec, 383–388, CRC Press -
Workshop "Gründung von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen". Karlsruhe, Februar 2010
Triantafyllidis, T. (Hrsg.)
2010. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) -
Recent improvements of a high-cycle accumulation model for sand
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. Workshop "Gründung von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen", Karlsruhe, Februar 2010. Hrsg.: T. Triantafyllidis, 35–47, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) -
Stress- and strain-controlled undrained cyclic triaxial tests on a fine sand for a high-cycle accumulation model
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, USA, 24. - 29. May 2010 -
On the influence of the grain size distribution curve on dynamic soil properties of quartz sand
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, USA, 24. - 29. May 2010 -
Strain accumulation in sand due to drained cyclic loading: On the effect of monotonic and cyclic preloading (Miner’s rule)
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 30 (8), 736–745. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.03.004 -
On the "elastic" stiffness in a high-cycle accumulation model for sand: a comparison of drained and undrained cyclic triaxial tests
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 47 (7), 791–805. doi:10.1139/T09-142 -
Prediction of permanent deformations in pavements using a high-cycle accumulation model
Wichtmann, T.; Rondón, H.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Lizcano, A.
2010. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 136 (5), 728–740. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000275 -
On the determination of a set of material constants for a high-cycle accumulation model for non-cohesive soils
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. International Journal for Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, 34 (4), 409–440. doi:10.1002/nag.821 -
Die Einwirkung von CO2 auf die Stabilität von Störungszonen in Deckgesteinen geologischer CO2-Speicher
Blume, J.; Eckhardt, J.-D.; Stosch. H.-G.; Neumann, T.; Balthasar, K.; Mutschler, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2010. GeoDarmstadt2010 : Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft - Geosciences Secure the Future, Frankfurt am Main, Darmstadt, 9. - 14.Oktober 2010; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster. Hrsg.: A. Hoppe, 99, Dt. Ges. für Geowiss
Geotechnical robustness and deformation recovery effects of offshore wind turbine foundations
Triantafyllidis, T.; Kudella, P.; Wichtmann, T.
2009. Third science days on the utilization of offshore wind energy by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Oldenburg, 17-18 November 2009 -
Cap Rock Integrity. Schlußbericht zum Teilprojekt 3 des BMBF-Verbundprojektes COSMOS. Förderkennzeichen: 03G0630C
Balthasar, K.; Hauser-Fuhlberg, M.; Mutschler, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Institut für Boden- und Felsmechanik -
Pressure profile measurements using Spatial-TDR
Scheuermann, A.; Hübner Ch.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Fischer, D.
2009. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA 2009) : June 1 - 5, 2009, Espoo, Finland. Ed.: P. Vainikaninen, 139–148, Espo -
Deformations of deep excavation walls induced by construction processes
Hettler, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Proceedings of the XVIIth International Conference on Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering, Alexandria 5-9 Sept. 2009 -
Validation and calibration of a high-cycle accumulation model based on cyclic triaxial tests on eight sands
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Soils and Foundations, 49 (5), 711–728. doi:10.3208/sandf.49.711 -
Geotechnical investigations of cap rocks above CO2 -resevoirs
Mutschler, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Balthasar, K.
2009. Energy Procedia, 1 (1), 3375–3382. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2009.02.126 -
Geotechnische Aspekte beim Bau einer unterirdischen Staumauer in verkarsteten Riffkalken
Mutschler, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. WasserWirtschaft, (7-8), 53–56 -
Die an den Fundamenten rütteln: (Langzeitverformungen bei Offshore-Windenergieanlagen)
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. RUBIN. Wissenschaftsmagazin der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Sonderheft der Ruhr - Universität Bochum, 19 (Sonderheft), 14–21 -
On the correlation of "static" and "dynamic" stiffness moduli of non-cohesive soils
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Bautechnik. Supplement: Geotechnical Enginnering, 86 (Issue Suppl. 1), 28–39. doi:10.1002/bate.200910039 -
Comparison of cyclic triaxial behavior of unbound granular material under constant and variable confining pressure
Rondón Quintana, H. A.; Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Lizcano Palaéz, A.
2009. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135 (7), 467–478. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000009 -
Influence of the Grain-Size Distribution Curve of Quartz Sand on the Small Strain Shear Modulus Gmax
Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. International Journal for Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, 135 (10), 1404–1418. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000096 -
Examples for the prediction of settlement due to polycyclic loading
Schäfer, R.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Bautechnik. Supplement: Geotechnical Enginnering, 86 (Issue Suppl. 1), 46–53. doi:10.1002/bate.200910041 -
Examples for the prediction of settlement due to polycyclic loading
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts. Ed.: F. Stangenberg, Chapter 4.6.6., Springer-Verlag -
Stratagy for polycyclic loading of soil
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts. Ed.: F. Stangenberg, Chapter 4.2.8., Springer-Verlag -
A high cycle model for soils
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts. Ed.: F. Stangenberg, Chapter 3.3.3., Springer-Verlag -
High-cycle laboratory tests on soils
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts. Ed.: F. Stangenberg, Chapter 3.2.2., Springer-Verlag -
Accumulation in soils due to cyclic loading: a deteioration phenomenon?
Triantafyllidis, T.; Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.
2009. Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts. Ed.: F. Stangenberg, Chapter 3.1.3., Springer-Verlag -
Multidimensional Amplitude for soils under cyclic loading
Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts. Ed.: F. Stangenberg, Chapter 2.5.2., Springer-Verlag -
Settlement due to cyclic loading
Triantafyllidis, T.; Wichtmann, T.; Niemunis, A.
2009. Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts. Ed.: F. Stangenberg, Chapter 2.5.1., Springer-Verlag -
Geotechnische Aspekte beim Bau einer unterirdischen Staumauer in verkarsteten Riffkalken
Mutschler, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.
2009. Wasserwirtschaft, 99 (7/8), 53–56
Behaviour of an unbound granular material in cyclic triaxial tests with constant and variable confining pressure (in spanisch). Comportamiento de un material granular no tratado en ensayos triaxiales cíclicos con presión de confinamiento constante y variable
Rondón Quintana, H. A.; Wichtmann, T.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Lizcano Palaéz, A.
2008. Ingeniare : Revista chilena de ingenieria, 6 (3), 461–472
Probabilistisches Bemessungskonzept für das Versagen von Flussdeichen unter Berücksichtigung geotechnischer Gegebenheiten
Zesch, R.; Saucke, U.; Triantafyllidis, T.; Bieberstein, A.
2007. Verständnis, Vorsorge und Bewältigung von Naturkatastrophen. Abschlusssymposium 2007. Graduiertenkolleg "Naturkatastrophen", 24./25. Juli 2007, Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Hrsg.: S. Senitz, 113–123, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe